Released: 07.04.23
1. Supertaste - Shot In The Dark
Supertaste is an indie dance band from Brooklyn, NY. A pair with an appetite for deli sandwiches and disco. With tracks featured in the top 10 Nu-Disco on beatport, articles on Dancing Astronaut and a heap of Spotify editorials to their name, Supertase are cementing themselves in the Nu-Disco / Indie Dance scene. With DJ Mag putting Supertaste in a ones to watch list in 2021 coupled with a SPIN interview, the future's looking good for the Brooklyn duo. Shot In The Dark is yet another funky disco bop from Supertaste. Finding residence in the vein of Jungle and Kaytranada, this track combines a number of complex layers and instruments to amount in a song you can’t stay still around. With 80s synths, toppy hats and and range of sequenced effects, this track is expertly produced and catchy as anything you’ll hear this year. The song is unapologetically Supertaste as the pair cement their sound on the world with the distinct vocals and complex instrumentation.